Mian Quan: Continuous Fist | Wu Xing Dao Kung Fu

Mian Quan is a northern Chinese martial arts style which most likely originated in the province of Hebei and utilises dynamic free flowing movement. Read more!

A Beginners Guide to Qigong

A gentle practice that can help to improve focus, immunity, balance, and coordination, with simple to learn movements that can be done by anyone, regardless of fitness level.

What is Silk Reeling?

The Chinese base this term off the fact that silk is one of the lightest, softest and yet strongest materials on the planet, based on weight when under tension.

Parents and Teen Class

We have launched a new class for teenagers and parents on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5pm, for Students who would like to train alongside their Dad or Mum, a great way to share in a common interest, and enjoy quality time together!

Martial Arts Demonstration Day – 17th July 2021: 10am – 2pm

To celebrate FIVE YEARS our School has been open on the Central Coast, we are holding a free event at our school in Wyoming, our Martial Arts Demonstration Day, which will be held on Saturday the 17th of July 2021.

Is Meditation the Holy Grail for health?

I get what you are already thinking. There are WAY too many things in life to do to waste time sitting on your butt with your eyes closed!