COVID-19 is a serious health risk, and has been front of mind for a lot of us.
Wu Xing Dao takes this risk seriously, and has taken all precautions.
A Pandemic that has changed life on earth as we know it!
The tragic effect the Global Pandemic has had on so many lives since it began in 2020 is something I am sure none of us will ever forget, with over 1 million deaths worldwide the devastating nature and prolific spread of the virus that is so easily transmitted shook the very foundation of what our society once took for granted.
Lock Downs happened across the country, many businesses temporarily closed, and some never recovered and were forced to shut down permanently, creating havoc in the economy, adding further pressures to the ever present health threat.

Determined not to let COVID-19 ruin our way of life
At Wu Xing Dao Kung Fu, safety is always a top priority when it comes to our training environment, and we have upped our game even further, seeking advice to ensure we meet the recommended COVID-19 safety standards, including registering a COVID Safety Plan, improving our gym cleaning protocol, and ensuring we have a QR code for check in, as well as hand sanitiser available on entry.
You can train with us with the peace of mind that we are doing our very best to ensure that you are practising in a clean and hygienic environment.

We are in this together!
Whilst we look forward to the future, many of us are unsure about the global impact that this Pandemic will continue to wreak over the coming months and years, but we humans are a determined and resilient bunch, and I know that by working together to keep each other safe we will get back to some version of normality in due course.
For now we hope that everyone is keeping safe and well, from our family to yours wishing you all the best in these uncertain times. #TrainingThroughCOVID #KungFu #CentralCoastMartialArts #HealthyLifestyle