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5 Common Exercise Mistakes

When embarking on any journey, the most important lesson I have learned is to come prepared. Nothing spells disaster more quickly than setting out on a three day hike through bush land without a map, a good sense of direction or a supply of toilet paper, as anyone who has wiped their bum with leaves will tell you

RECIPE: Bliss Balls

Bliss Balls are such a fantastic, easy snack to make and keep in the freezer in batches, ready to take out the day before using them. They are so simple to make, and if you keep a few in a container in your bag or to take to work, they help you resist the urge to reach for less healthy snack options!

Martial Arts Demonstration Day – 17th July 2021: 10am – 2pm

To celebrate FIVE YEARS our School has been open on the Central Coast, we are holding a free event at our school in Wyoming, our Martial Arts Demonstration Day, which will be held on Saturday the 17th of July 2021.

Four Tips to Stay Focused on YOUR Fitness Journey

If you don't set yourself (realistic) goals, you are basically wandering aimlessly through your fitness journey, wondering what on earth you're doing, right?

Qigong and Pentagenics: Improve your health and well-being

Translated literally as 'energy work', Qigong is an ancient method of training that has been practiced in China for thousands of years. A gentle exercise that can be done by anyone, regardless of age, mobility or fitness level

Is Meditation the Holy Grail for health?

I get what you are already thinking. There are WAY too many things in life to do to waste time sitting on your butt with your eyes closed!